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2014年8月20日 星期三

看卡通、影集學美語 learn English through fun things

新篇章,想到的時候再慢慢更新 = =


1. Having nothing due or owed on either side: an even-steven transaction.
2. Having an equal score, as in a game or contest.
1. 誰也不欠誰,雙方兩清。
2. 有相同的狀況跟分數。

Choose From: [飛哥與小佛 S1 - eps 6 Raging Bully] 出現在飛哥跟布佛握手言和時所講

cat that ate the canary

1. A person who appears self-satisfied or smug, especially while
   concealing something mischievous, prohibited, or private.
2. A person whose appearance and behavior suggest guilt mixed with
   other qualities, such as satisfaction or feigned nonchalance.
1. 人臉上掛有滿足或俏皮的表情,特別是在作調皮、禁止或私人的事情。
2. 人的表情是有犯罪的 + 滿足或假裝冷淡XD

Choose From: [movie: odd thomas] 很前面,Stony 跟警長所講

PS: 來有另一個系列,看卡通、影集接觸美國文化是被分類在 "關心世界" 之中~

the third degree

1. describe a situation where you are being asked a series of many questions.
1. 描述一個被別人質問,詢問的狀況

example: "Whats with the third degree!?"

Infant Amnesia[待查]

If you want to use (copy, paste or quote) my original article, please contact me through email (autek.roy@gmail.com). If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D

如要使用(複製貼上或轉載)作者原創文章,請來信跟我聯絡 (autek.roy@gmail.com)。如果有發現任何的錯誤與建議請留言或跟我連絡。 : )



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