Some parts use both Chinese and English, but some parts use only one language. Feel free to share, but please contact me first and list this blog as your reference.

2014年5月17日 星期六

Design Patterns 筆記 - Categories 分類條列

初學Design Pattern,如有謬誤或超級大錯還請指教。
如不知道什麼是 Design Patterns,可先閱覽一下這篇:Design Patterns 筆記 - Overview

0. 是 Design Pattern 熱身,嚴格而言不是標準 Design Pattern。
1. ~ 3. 是GOF(四人幫)著作中的分類
4. 是由 Sun(昇陽) Java Center 所提出

Design Patterns 筆記 - Simple Factory Pattern 簡單工廠

初學Design Pattern,如有謬誤或超級大錯還請指教。

如不知道什麼是 Design Patterns,可先閱覽一下這篇:Design Patterns 筆記 - Overview
想知道其他種 Design Patterns,請看這篇:Design Patterns 筆記 - Categories 分類條列

另外,如果不懂Java的介面,可以參考這一篇:JAVA - 什麼是介面?


以下內容主要從 tutorialspoint 的 Design Patterns - Factory Pattern 翻譯而來。
在網站上只有單純寫 Factory Pattern,但依王者歸來:品味Java的21種設計模式中,
此篇應該是 Simple Factory Pattern 簡單工廠,嚴格而言不是標準的 Design Pattern,
在GoF中的著作沒有。(非 Factory Method 也不是 Abstract Factory)

另外,tutorialspoint 居然沒有Factory Method....之後我應該會找其他資料,再寫一篇

2014年5月15日 星期四

JAVA - What's interface? (English version)

There's the Chinese version for this article. 這邊有中文版的文章

Originally, I was going to learn the Design Patterns,
but I suddenly realize that interface is so important.
Because I didn't use Java for a ling time, I just reviewed the interface for Design Patterns!

Long to short. The interface is for designing.
We can first design the method with name and return type, and without the detailed content.
And these methods must be implemented latter!

Sounds like abstract method?
Though they don't have the abstract key word, they are abstract!
(We can simultaneously pack many abstract stuffs.)

Many class can implement a same interface;
A class also can implement many interfaces at one time.
Because the Java doesn't have Multiple Inheritance, we can achieve similar effect by interfaces.

Let's look following examples. It's very simple, and may not show the brilliant part of interfaces.
But...at least it can run! Learning is from easy to difficult.

Design Patterns 筆記 - Overview

重新學習JAVA中,想到大學旁聽課程時老師提到的 Design Patterns (設計模式),這是前輩們花很多時間總結的各種"輪子",對於物件導向新手而言是提升能力的捷徑!

以下內容主要從 tutorialspoint 的 Design Patterns Tutorial in JAVA翻譯而來,

維基百科云:「Design Patterns 是對軟體設計中普遍存在(反覆出現)的各種問題,所提出的解決方案。」

Design Patterns 代表有經驗的物件導向(object-oriented)程式開發者所用的最好的實踐方式
Design patterns 是軟體開發者在設計軟體中出現的一般性問題,所提出的解決方法。

2014年5月14日 星期三

JAVA - 什麼是介面? What's interface? (中文)

There's the English version of this article. 這邊有英文版的文章

原本要學習 Design Patterns (設計模式),結果驚覺 JAVA 的 interface超重要,
因為JAVA實在太久沒用了...為了 Design Patterns 先來複習一下interface!

2014年5月13日 星期二



失業人口: 適齡工作人口(15歲)的勞動力中(非軍人、非學生、

失業率 = ----------------- X 100%

2014年5月11日 星期日

Google Code Jam - Round 1C 2014 - Problem B.Reordering Train Cars (for small input)

The following program is my ACcepted code for
GCJ-Rounc 1C 2014 - B.Reordering Train Cars (for small input)

This program is only correct for the small input.
It's a for everybody to learn and discuss.
If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know.  :D

此乃 GCJ-Round 1C 2014 - Reordering Train Cars 的AC code!
大的我當時沒解出來 QQ
歡迎一同討論學習,如有錯誤與任何建議請留言 : )

前往 Google Code Jam!

Google Code Jam - Round 1C 2014 - Problem A. Part Elf (for small and large)

The following program is my ACcepted code for
GCJ-Round 1C 2014-  A. Part Elf.

This program is correct for the small and large input.
It's a for everybody to learn and discuss.
If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know.  :D

此乃 GCJ-Round 1C 2014-  A. Part Elf.的AC code!
歡迎一同討論學習,如有錯誤與任何建議請留言 : )

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