Some parts use both Chinese and English, but some parts use only one language. Feel free to share, but please contact me first and list this blog as your reference.

2014年4月3日 星期四

NTHU OJ - 題目記錄 Problem records (2014年 二月-四月, February-April)

簡單記錄一下我過的NTHU OJ 題目和我認為的困難度,照月份分開
This article simply record my Accepted NTHU OJ problems and the difficulty I thought.
Please click "Read more" to see my previous AC problems and programs.

由於NTHU OJ 可能有些題目是參考 UVa OJ或 PKU OJ  而來,那些題目我要是解過,我會放在 UVa OJ - 題目記錄 中或是 PKU OJ - 題目記錄。要是在這邊找不到可以去那邊看看,這邊只記錄 NTHU OJ 原創的題目和非 UVa 及 PKU OJ的題目。

Because some problems in NTHU OJ may be from UVa OJ, if I solved those problems, I would put them in the UVa OJ -  Problem records or PKU OJ - Problem records. If you don't find problems you want, maybe you can check that UVa OJ problem records. This page only records the original NTHU OJ problems or not from the UVa and PKU OJ.

2014年 四月 - 2014 April
AC problemsAC DateDifficultyClue / Hint
NTHU OJ - 5710 Stackv (Use C++ STL)4/06, 2014Stack
NTHU OJ - 5711 Queue (Use C++ STL)4/06, 2014Queue

2014年4月2日 星期三

UVa OJ - 441 Lotto

The following program is my ACcepted code for UVA-441 .
It's a for everybody to learn and discuss.
If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know.  :D

此乃UVA 441 的AC code!
歡迎一同討論學習,如有錯誤與任何建議請留言 : )

2014年3月30日 星期日

NTHU OJ - 7674 - PH - ASCII Tea Time

The following program is my ACcepted code for NTHU-7492 .
It's a for everybody to learn and discuss.
If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know.  :D

此乃NTHU 7492 的AC code!
歡迎一同討論學習,如有錯誤與任何建議請留言 : )