The following program is my ACcepted code for UVA-357 .
It's a for everybody to learn and discuss.
If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D
此乃UVA 357 的AC code!
我之後應該會寫一小篇來解釋這種題目的 DP 思路
I think I will write a small article to explain this problem's DP thought,
but that will in the future some time(?).
If you want to know about that, please leave a commend and I will work on it soon.
因為 n 的index範圍會大到30000
所以我使用int int long
如果是UVA 674 Coin Change,就可以使用int
Because the index range from 1 to 30000,
it will over the int range!
so I used long long int
The UVa 674 Coin Change can be solved when you use int
because its n may be smaller.
//This program is for UVA 357 Let Me Count The Ways
//題目來源 Problem link:
#define MAX 30001
using namespace std;
long long int way[MAX];
int main()
int coin[5] = {1, 5, 10, 25, 50};
int n;
while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF)
memset(way, 0, sizeof(way));
way[0] = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
for(int j = coin[i]; j <= n; j++)//start from the coin[i] !!!!1
way[j] = way[j] + way[ j - coin[i]];
if(way[n] == 1)
printf("There is only 1 way to produce %d cents change.\n", n);
printf("There are %lld ways to produce %d cents change.\n", way[n], n);
return 0;
Please feel free to use it after adding this blog as an reference. ( If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D
歡迎使用與分享任何內容,但請記得標示此部落格為出處。( 如果有發現任何的錯誤與建議請留言或跟我連絡。 : )
It's a for everybody to learn and discuss.
If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D
此乃UVA 357 的AC code!
歡迎一同討論學習,如有錯誤與任何建議請留言 : )
I think I will write a small article to explain this problem's DP thought,
but that will in the future some time(?).
If you want to know about that, please leave a commend and I will work on it soon.
因為 n 的index範圍會大到30000
所以我使用int int long
如果是UVA 674 Coin Change,就可以使用int
Because the index range from 1 to 30000,
it will over the int range!
so I used long long int
The UVa 674 Coin Change can be solved when you use int
because its n may be smaller.
//This program is for UVA 357 Let Me Count The Ways
//題目來源 Problem link:
#define MAX 30001
using namespace std;
long long int way[MAX];
int main()
int coin[5] = {1, 5, 10, 25, 50};
int n;
while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF)
memset(way, 0, sizeof(way));
way[0] = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
for(int j = coin[i]; j <= n; j++)//start from the coin[i] !!!!1
way[j] = way[j] + way[ j - coin[i]];
if(way[n] == 1)
printf("There is only 1 way to produce %d cents change.\n", n);
printf("There are %lld ways to produce %d cents change.\n", way[n], n);
return 0;
Please feel free to use it after adding this blog as an reference. ( If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D
歡迎使用與分享任何內容,但請記得標示此部落格為出處。( 如果有發現任何的錯誤與建議請留言或跟我連絡。 : )
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