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2014年2月22日 星期六

為什麼蚊子不會傳播愛滋病? (英文版) Why mosquito can not transmit HIV/AIDS ? (English Version)

1000 WHYs series - Why mosquito can not transmit HIV/AIDS ?
一千個為什麼系列 - 為什麼蚊子不會傳播愛滋病?

I have wanted to know the answer of this question. After searching information, I made this PowerPoint. Hope it's useful for everyone.

This PowerPoint is English Version. Please see the Chinese version in link 1 or link 2.
此投影片為英文版,請 點我 或 點我 前往中文版本。

If you want to use (copy, paste or quote) my original article, please contact me through email (autek.roy@gmail.com). If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D

如要使用(複製貼上或轉載)作者原創文章,請來信跟我聯絡 (autek.roy@gmail.com)。如果有發現任何的錯誤與建議請留言或跟我連絡。 : )



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