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2014年9月19日 星期五

Workshop Note - career center workshop for people who want a academic job

STEM Faculty Panel - Behind the Scenes with the Search Committee: 
On Campus Interview, Job Talk, and Negotiations

This workshop is for those people who want to purse academic career.

This is my simple note for myself of the workshop.

you need:
  1. strong CV, recommendation of letters
  2. besides CV, be interactive, interesting, funny
  3. build the network: every conversation matters. 
    1. ex: in elevator, say hello to chair of dept.
    2. introduce your work to other people
    3. make friends to others

strong letter:
  1. consistent: always in good process
  2. select the right people to write letters (have good impression to you)
  3. Red flag: if you don’t have letter from your advisor, you need to defense yourself

others request you provide the recommendation letters
  1. it’s bad idea, the committee may notice
  2. if you need to provide it, describe the relation
  3. if it’s normal letter, it doesn’t help.

phone interview (maybe Skype)
  1. don’t look the computer screen
  2. actually participate the phone
  3. do everything possible to prepare!
  4. convince they you will be a good colleague 
  5. have fun!!!!!
    1. it’s 2 way conversation 
    2. ask question back
    3. don’t leave long silence between conversation
  6. practice before interview 

on-campus interview
  1. to be authentic (don’t like a robot
  2. describe the challenge you overcome
  3. nice joke/comment about personal questions (ex: if married, if you plan to have children)
    1. you can not answer those personal questions
    2. use joke to answer
  4. think about your future plan/research!!!! (ex: your field is important

  1. transition - question -> solve -> conclusion
    1. don’t change the slide quickly
    2. don’t put slides you don’t talk (only shows slides)
    3. logic and make sense
    4. backup slides to answer questions
  2. don’t show everything you did. show the highlight of your research

negotiation your offer
  1. be reasonable!
    1. ask what you need - what’s important to you!
    2. compare the startup package (if including salary, what you need to do/teach/research)
    3. you can’t negotiate with some schools can’t about teaching.
  2. other people have the similar position (ask other people)
  3. use an similar offer you have already to negotiate
  4. practice! 
    1. ex: say: “I know you guys want me to be successful, and it’s important to me. I have to have that." 
    2. know which is negotiable, and which is not.

non-native English speaker in interview
  1. rehearse
  2. in 1-1 interview
    1. prepare questions about the interviewer (ex: research result about his background)
  3. know/involve in culture (ex: movie, sports)

why don’t get jobs
  1. don’t take it personally (may your field doesn’t fit)
  2. talk your package with others
  3. don’t have interview, don’t mean anything (if you know something missed, work on it!)
    1. if you have interview and fail, you may ask the reason
  4. if you have 10 interviews and don’t get anything, you may have some problems.
  5. find other jobs!
    1. don’t be persuade you to stop
    2. trust your passion and happiness
  6. You have to want it. If you want it, you will get it.

show your passion 
  1. don’t make enemy when taking interview (you won’t go even though you are given a offer)
  2. apply the position you really want to go
  3. including the relation between yon and the place you apply! (show passion)
  4. decline the offer politely (ex: you don’t like chair in interveiw)
    1. ex: say: "when taking interview, I don’t think the place fit me.”
  5. do some homework about institution (maybe it’s different between interview and actual reality)

should I bring materials during interview?
  1. Don’t take notes and questions!!!
  2. maybe latest data or iPad

behind the scenes:
  1. send thank you notes to those who interview you!
  2. people may talk about you
  3. be enthusiastic/positive

If you want to use (copy, paste or quote) my original article, please contact me through email. (autek.roy@gmail.com) If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D

如要使用(複製貼上或轉載)作者原創文章, 請來信跟我聯絡。(autek.roy@gmail.com) 如果有發現任何的錯誤與建議請留言或跟我連絡。 : )



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