The following program is my ACcepted code for UVA-10035.
It's a for everybody to learn and discuss.
If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D
此乃UVA 10035 的AC code!
點這裡看題目 Click here to see this Problem!
//This program is for UVA 10035 Primary Arithmetic
using namespace std;
char s1[15], s2[15], a[15], b[15];
int len1, len2;
//it's just for checking the index and values
void checkPrint()
printf("%d %d\n", len1, len2);
for(int i=0 ; i <= 14; i++)
printf("%c", a[i]);
for(int i=0 ; i <= 14; i++)
printf("%c", b[i]);
// move s1 and s2 to aother array (beginning from the rightese index)
void move()
for(int i=0; i<= 14; i++)
a[i] = '0';
b[i] = '0';
for(int i=0 ; i <= 14; i++)
a[14 - i] = s1[ len1 - 1 - i];
if( (len1 - 1 - i) == 0)
for(int i=0 ; i <= 14; i++)
b[14 - i] = s2[ len2 - 1 - i];
if( (len2 - 1 - i) == 0)
first move s1 and s2 to aother array (beginning from the rightese index)
and then we can perform the basic add function for each index from right to lest index.
void findCarry()
int carry = 0;
int add[15];
//move s1 and s2!!
memset(add, 0, sizeof(add));
for(int i = 14; i >= 1; i--)
add[i] += (a[i]-'0') + (b[i]-'0');
if(add[i] >= 10)
add[i - 1] ++;
add[i] -= 10;
carry ++;
//check add
for(int i=0 ; i <= 14; i++)
printf("%d", add[i]);
if(carry == 0)
printf("No carry operation.\n");
else if(carry == 1)
printf("1 carry operation.\n");
printf("%d carry operations.\n", carry);
int main()
while(scanf("%s %s", &s1, &s2) != EOF)
len1 = strlen(s1);
len2 = strlen(s2);
if(len1 == 1 && len2 == 1 && s1[0] == '0' && s2[0] == '0')//the input are 0 0
return 0;
Please feel free to use it after adding this blog as an reference. ( If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D
歡迎使用與分享任何內容,但請記得標示此部落格為出處。( 如果有發現任何的錯誤與建議請留言或跟我連絡。 : )
It's a for everybody to learn and discuss.
If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D
此乃UVA 10035 的AC code!
歡迎一同討論學習,如有錯誤與任何建議請留言 : )
點這裡看題目 Click here to see this Problem!
//This program is for UVA 10035 Primary Arithmetic
using namespace std;
char s1[15], s2[15], a[15], b[15];
int len1, len2;
//it's just for checking the index and values
void checkPrint()
printf("%d %d\n", len1, len2);
for(int i=0 ; i <= 14; i++)
printf("%c", a[i]);
for(int i=0 ; i <= 14; i++)
printf("%c", b[i]);
// move s1 and s2 to aother array (beginning from the rightese index)
void move()
for(int i=0; i<= 14; i++)
a[i] = '0';
b[i] = '0';
for(int i=0 ; i <= 14; i++)
a[14 - i] = s1[ len1 - 1 - i];
if( (len1 - 1 - i) == 0)
for(int i=0 ; i <= 14; i++)
b[14 - i] = s2[ len2 - 1 - i];
if( (len2 - 1 - i) == 0)
first move s1 and s2 to aother array (beginning from the rightese index)
and then we can perform the basic add function for each index from right to lest index.
void findCarry()
int carry = 0;
int add[15];
//move s1 and s2!!
memset(add, 0, sizeof(add));
for(int i = 14; i >= 1; i--)
add[i] += (a[i]-'0') + (b[i]-'0');
if(add[i] >= 10)
add[i - 1] ++;
add[i] -= 10;
carry ++;
//check add
for(int i=0 ; i <= 14; i++)
printf("%d", add[i]);
if(carry == 0)
printf("No carry operation.\n");
else if(carry == 1)
printf("1 carry operation.\n");
printf("%d carry operations.\n", carry);
int main()
while(scanf("%s %s", &s1, &s2) != EOF)
len1 = strlen(s1);
len2 = strlen(s2);
if(len1 == 1 && len2 == 1 && s1[0] == '0' && s2[0] == '0')//the input are 0 0
return 0;
Please feel free to use it after adding this blog as an reference. ( If there is any mistake or comment, please let me know. :D
歡迎使用與分享任何內容,但請記得標示此部落格為出處。( 如果有發現任何的錯誤與建議請留言或跟我連絡。 : )
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